We went to the Doctor's yesterday and I am the officially the worst mother ever. First off, the nurse was surprised and shocked that Elle wasn't in any kind of sports and activities or that she was in a preschool that didn't do routine eye exams. Second, after weighing Zander, she reported that he was in the 0.92% (18lbs. 13 oz.) I looked at the paper and didn't see the decimal point and read it as 92% and told her that that possibly couldn't be right. And she looked at me like I was the dumbest person ever and said "It's point 92% Not even 1%." Oh, so that little flick mark was indeed a decimal. Thirdly, I refused the MMR shot for Zander (I am planning on him getting it at his 15 month check-up. I just want him to weigh more and I don't want it combined with the varicella.) I even had to sign a waiver. Ridiculous! I am just very concerned because I know a whole slew of two year old's that have hearing problems and I wonder if it is indeed the MMR shot and the varicella together. Any way, I know a lot of you are going to agree that I am being ridiculous and other's are going to agree that I'm not. Keep it to yourself either way. But I did cry the whole way home thinking, "You watch he's going to get one of those diseases because I didn't have him get the shot. I'm going to regret it forever."
The Dr. said I should be more concerned with his third ear infection (item #4) Who knew? The kid doesn't even act sick! So also at the 15mnth check-up he's going to determine if Zander needs to have tubes put in. I accredit that to crappy genes (thanks Gram Gram :{ I don't get it. Every time Zander gets another tooth, he gets an ear infection with it. Which makes sense. When teeth are coming in there is more saliva and mucus produced right? That's why they druel and get a runny nose. The Dr. dissagrees. "Teething does not cause ear infections", he said. (Time to find a new Dr?) He's getting all four molars at once. Two have popped through and the other two are about there. If we could just get all the teeth to cooperate and come in at once! Any way, I'm a little hesistent to fill the prescription for anti-biotics and perhaps I will wait and see. If we have further SS then I'll go visit the friendly pharmacist at Target. Any one got a coupon?
So after getting Elle to pee in a cup--nothing short of impossible! and holding two children down for shorts, It was officially a horrible visit. Elle said it best when she declared, "I do not like the Dr! I don't ever want to see him again!"
I can't wait to see what she will say after we go to the dentist on Thursday!
1 day ago
It must have been a bad day for Dr.'s visits. We were there too. Rachel got her finger stuck in the bathroom door after the urine sample, and it all went downhill from there. She refused to get on the scale - drop down temper tantrum in the middle of the office. Dr. Q held her for 10 minutes before he even did the exam. I feel your pain woman!
Aw, so sad! I tried taking both girls in at the same time once too and it was so not worth the hassle! Hope today is better for you!
I'm so sorry! That is no fun. (Although it is good to know for sure where the earache/teething gene comes from! Fortunately Will hasn't had problems, but I apparently did!)
You are not the worst mother ever. I'm sorry you and your kids had such a rough day. Best of luck at the dentist!!!
GET A NEW DOCTOR!!! Wow, I don't care who they are, if they're treating you like you're an idiot, then its time to find someone new. And I also can't stand doctors who try to scare you about your kid ("Ooooo, your child's not in sports? Clearly, she's neglected.") And please, so Zander's small. It's not a big deal. They didn't need to make it sound like you should be concerned! Everyone is different. I've had friends who's babies aren't walking by 16 months or whatever, and their doctors act like their babies are developmentally challenged. That's the problem with charts and graphs--not everyone fits into them perfectly.
And as for vaccinnations, you have to do what YOU think is right for your child. That's what matters first most of all. I hate it when doctors (or other mothers) don't respect mother's intuitions, because darnit, a mom knows her child, and I think it's worth consideration in a diagnosis!
So wow, I really went off there. (By the way, I'm definitely not an anti-doctor person. Just an anti-jerk person in general).
Well if you're in the market for a new Dr. you might want to look into Dr. Leila Sim. I love her! She is so good with the kids. Alana actually looks forward to seeing her. I guess thats a good sign. Let me know if you would like her information.
Oh... and Good Luck!
So after you told me this my sister in law called. Her 3 month old is in the 98th% for his head. I was cracking up!
Holy crap have I been there! The only thing is I have to hold down my husband for shots-not the kids! okay I lied-I have to hold down Carson too! Sorry it was no fun!
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